Sweep Re-Accreditations

Sweep accreditations are valid for 3 years or when First Aid expires, whichever comes first.

Sweeps will receive an auto-reminders from revSPORT 60 days, 30 days, 14 days and 7 days prior to expiry of a sweep’s accreditation.

How to Renew your Accreditation:

When you are ready to renew your Accrediation, you will need to send your request to your Sweep Coordinator, once satisfied you have met all requirements, the Sweep Coordinator will forward all documents to AusDBF to update revSPORT.

To renew your Accreditation:

  1. Ensure you have completed all eLearning Courses listed here
  2. Provide the following to your Sweep Coordinator
      eLearning Moodle Course Screenshot.
      Sports Integrity Australia Course Certificates.

      First Aid (including CPR) Certificate.
      Screenshot of your Working With Children Check.
      A signed letter from your club president that states:
         - That you has swept 20 hours annually over the past 3 years.
         - That any notable incidents at regattas and/or club training have been reported through Safe 365 and appropriate action taken.

Important Notes:

  • Unless all documents are provided to the Sweep Coordinator, a request for re-accreditation will not be accepted.
  • PDF version of documents is preferred. Images are only accepted if all information can be seen in one clear image.
  • Active Level 5 can show evidence of level 5 requirements rather than sweep hours.
  • If a person from overseas moves to Australia and joins a local club they are to be assessed as an inactive Level 3 and evidence provided from previous Clubs/Country.


Inactive Sweeps

Level 1 Trainee Sweep

Level 1 Sweeps who have been inactive for more than 2 years will restart their accreditation process.

Level 2 (L2) Provisional Sweep

Level 2 sweeps who have been inactive for the past 2 years will restart their accreditation at Level 1 and can instantly apply for an on-water assessment and re-accreditation.

Level 2 (L2) Provisional Sweep

Level 2 sweeps who have been inactive for the past 2 years will restart their accreditation at Level 1 and can instantly apply for an on-water assessment and re-accreditation.

Level 3 (L3) Accredited Sweep and Level 4 (L4) - Mentor Sweep

Those who have been inactive for the past 2 years will re-start their accreditation at Level 1 and can instantly apply for an on-water assessment and re- accreditation.

If found competent they will be re-accredited as Level 3 only and must follow the processes if they would like to become level 4 once more 

Level 5 (L5) - Ambassador Sweep

Level 5 sweeps who have not been actively sweeping can retain their accreditation, however if they wish to return to being active sweep to contact their State Sweep Coordinator.