Oceania Dragon Boat Federation

Australian Dragon Boat Federation (AusDBF) and New Zealand Dragon Boat Association (NZDBA) were the founding members of the Oceania Dragon Boat Federation (ODBF) in 2008.

AusDBF and NZDBA renewed the 4-year MOU for 2024, 2025, 2026, and 2027, which allows each country's clubs to compete at their National Championships. Click here to download a copy of the MOU.

2024 & 2026 - Australia will host ODBF races at their national championships for New Zealand clubs to compete in.

2025 & 2027 - New Zealand will host ODBF races at their national championships for Australian clubs to compete in.

Clubs interested in traveling across the ditch to compete in New Zealand - regatta opportunities will include:

  • Wellington Dragon Boat Festival (Feb 20205)
  • Auckland Regionals (date TBC)
  • Aoraki Regionals (date TBC)
  • Nationals (date TBC) 

Please contact the New Zealand Dragon Boat Association to find out more details.

Further information about NZDBA national championships can be found here - http://www.nzdba.co.nz/ & https://www.facebook.com/NZDragonboatAssociation/